Vehicle Tuning & Engine Management System Installs

Complete replacement of your ecu with a standalone wired in or plug in ecu to enable real time tuning.
We will improve your vehicle's performance, reliability & fuel economy because we take the time to ensure that the calibration (i,e tune) is correct for your specific application.

Vehicle Servicing, Inspections, Diagnostics & Repairs

  • Log Book Servicing
  • Inspections
  • Diagnostics
  • Fleet Servicing
  • All Mechanical Repairs

You have the option of dropping it off to us or we provide pick up & delivery services for the Townsville Region.

Carburettor Servicing

Are you having trouble with your carburettor? 

No matter what the issue is, we can service & restore your carburettor in house.

You have the option of dropping it off to us or we provide pick up & delivery services for the Townsville Region.

Injector Cleaning

Top Feed & Side Feed Injectors

  • Static Flow Rate Test (Before and After)
  • Dynamic Flow Rate Test (Before and After)
  • Injector Leak Down Test
  • Injector Ultrasonic Clean
  • Replace all Seals and Filters where possible
  • Full Report

You have the option of dropping it off to us or we provide pick up & delivery services for the Townsville Region.

Vehicle Restorations

Whether you’ve got an older vehicle that’s become a sentimental favourite of yours, or a vintage classic that needs to be brought back to its prime, our car restoration services can help you make your dreams reality!